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wage earner造句

"wage earner"是什么意思  
  • A census in 1980 revealed that approximately 6 percent of rural nigerien men are wage earners .
  • The aim should be to correct the bias against agriculture and exports, which often favors urban wage earners .
  • New stage of the developing history of the wage earners
  • In our family both my husband and i are wage earners
  • A new stage of the developing history of the wage earners
  • That would certainly be a relief to libya ' s cash - strapped wage earners
  • We wage earners are all in the same boat during these hard times
  • Looking at our country ' s average wage earners from the drive for modernization
  • We wage earners were in the same boat during those hard times
  • To make a living , selling joined the wage earners . look at the work of
  • It's difficult to see wage earner in a sentence. 用wage earner造句挺难的
  • The customers occupation . certain occupations imply the customer is a low wage earner e . g . driver , hawker , waiter , student
  • A residential address in low cost housing , e . g . public housing , may be indicative of a low wage earner . the customers age
  • Real take - home wages are up by 2 . 2 percent over the past year , which means an extra $ 1 , 300 for the typical family of four with two wage earners
    税后实际收入比去年增长了2 . 2 % ,这意味着一个典型的有两人挣钱的四口之家额外增加了1300美元。
  • By the same token , sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails
  • When it comes into force , only a quarter , or 26 per cent , of wage earners are expected to pay personal income tax , lou jiwei , vice - finance minister , told a press conference yesterday
    副财政部长娄继威于昨天记者招待会上说,该法案生效后,仅有25 %或26 %的雇佣劳动者有望支付个人所得税。
  • Yes to the bodily effects , * provided * expensive bodily function monitoring equipment were available , which it is not , as the cost is far beyond what an average wage earner can afford
  • When it comes into force , only a quarter , or 26 per cent , of wage earners are expected to pay personal income tax , lou jiwei , vice - finance minister , told a press conference yesterday
    财政部副部长楼继伟在昨天的记者招待会中说,当决议生效后,只有四分之一或者26 %的工薪族需要去缴纳个人所得税。
  • A revised personal income tax law was adopted by china ' s top legislators yesterday , raising the threshold for monthly personal income tax from 800 yuan ( us $ 99 ) to 1 , 600 yuan ( us $ 198 ) a move that will help ease the burden on low - wage earners
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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